Friday, 9 December 2011

Where is the edit button O.o ?

Can't find the edit button OTL.
Guess I'll just have to post these on another entry (=.=")

I remember drawing this on Safeworking Training Class - Stay alive, guys !


Have just realized that most of my drawing were done in the middle of class.
Gotta be more caref... er focus more then.  

I'm back

Dear my blog,
Forgive me for totally forgetting you just after a few days. Not like I can help it, plz blame my forgetfulness OTL.

Well, these are some drawing from my sketchbook. I so want to refine it before posting but my hands are full right now. Gonna update later, hopefully (=.=")

Btw, not in order. I'm just pick it up randomly.

Monster design - Scooby Doo show.
"Too many detail, unfit for the show" (Ricks)

Monster design - Juniper Lee show - Mike Kunkel style
"It's cute" (Megan - we have different definition of cute then)

 Character design - British ACE WWII
It was way too long, I can't remember any comment OTL

Character design - Cowboy 80's
"Exaggerate more, and make it more streamline or you gonna kill yourself animating it" 
( Ricks - ok, the last part is my conclusion (` 3') ) 

  Fanart - Berserker Fate/Zero
I know the armor is crap, just had the urge to draw him in the middle of history class (I know you're gonna hate me for this Terry)
Character design - Hero and villain
"It's cool" ( Roxanne - you say it every time you look at my design. It hurts my feeling m(>_<)m. 
So don't feel frustrated if I spell your name wrong (` 3') )
There're still a few more I want to show here, but they're not scan yet. Leave it for next time then.
And Jesus, flickr still keeps some of my old digital drawing \(` o')/ Can't wait for CGI next year.
Since it's winter then.


Sunday, 2 October 2011

This is the start of something new \(` o')/

Welcome to my Animation and Graphics blog, which is gonna be my online portfolio or part of it. It's a shame that most of my previous works were lost due to my hdd being water damaged on the trip and I don't have anything to showoff right now OTL, but please look forward for some amazing stuffs in the future *shameless plug*